St. Paul Catholic Church
“Burse Club” for the Education of Future Priests
Sponsored by Council of Catholic Women Diocesan CCW St Paul CCW
Membership: members pay dues of $12/year (only $1/month)
Provide your Name, Address and Parish
Checks Payable to: DCCW Memo Line: Burse Club / St Paul
Return to SPCCW, deposit in any collection during masses or
Mail to:
Office of Permanent Diaconate, Seminarians & Vocations
Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee
11 N B ST
PENSACOLA FL 32502-4601
- A burse is a fund established to provide the finances necessary to educate student for the priesthood. The educational requirements for candidates for the priesthood are four years of graduate studies in a school of Theology. It is rare for a candidate, even with the assistance of family, to be able to assume the responsibility for the total expenses of his education.
- In 1953, the Burse Club was formed under the auspices of Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (DCCW) to help the laity recognize the role of the Christian Community in fostering and sustaining vocations to the priesthood for the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee.
- Burse Club Member: anyone willing to offer prayers for vocations and financial assistance for the education of men for the priesthood.
- Membership: members pay dues of $12/year (only $1/month) through their parish/mission Burse Club Director (SPCCW).
- No meetings or other membership requirements.
For additional information contact SPCCW@stpaulcatholic.net