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Community/ Outreach

Angel Tree program:

Is a ministry of service that provides Christmas gifts for needy children in the area, in coordination with the Catholic Charities Christmas program. In addition, the Angel Tree program celebrates "Christmas in July" by providing gifts for residents of the nearby nursing home, The Haven.

Contact info Diane Wilkinson,, 850-435-7330.


Bereavement Support Ministry: 

The Bereavement Support Ministry offers friendship and understanding to families who have experienced the death of a loved one. Navigating life after a time of loss can be overwhelming. By serving others, while sharing their loss, we offer ongoing support during their most difficult of times.We are focusing our efforts in order to reach out to those persons within our parish community who have experienced the death of a dear one. In particular those who have experienced a recent loss. In our society we have come to believe that self-control is a sign of strength. The truth is that controlling our feelings at all cost can sometimes bring about overwhelming stress and illness resulting in mental and physical health issues. Self-acceptance of ourselves and our expression to the range of feelings, thoughts, moods and reactions to the pain of our loss during our grief journey helps in our path to recovery.

Contact:   Ann Marie Clark at 703-431-9372



Caring Hearts:  

Caring Hearts Hospitality is a group of compassionate volunteers who respond to the immediate needs of families who have lost a loved one. Assistance is offered to the family of the deceased in the way of food, funeral reception arrangements, or other immediate needs. 

Contact:  Sherry Vo at or (251)689-2004


Feed My Sheep: 

Feed My Sheep is a vibrant and active St. Paul Parish outreach ministry that provides nutritious hot meals for the homeless primarily through the Alfred-Washburn Center in Pensacola. Volunteers in this active ministry "live" Christ's love through their ministry to and for the "least of His brethren" among us.

Contact:  Carol Huebner at  or (850)435-9396


Jail Ministry:

The St. Paul Jail Ministry ministers to those who are imprisoned and affirm that human dignity still accrues to prisoners. They have rights but also responsibilities for their crimes. Then the king will say to those on his right, "Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me." 

Contact: Carol Jutras at (850)525-7941



Respect Life: 

The mission of the St. Paul Respect Life ministry is to educate the parish and community about the Catholic perspective on life issues; to provide community support for the unborn and those whose fundamental right to life is threatened; and to create a prayerful and respectful environment where life is cherished and valued. As in all things, these will be accomplished through the ever present Grace of God.

Contact:   Carol Jutras,



Being Catholic is not just being a member of the Catholic Church, but also seeing and living in the world from the Catholic perspective...a perspective that comes in a direct line from Jesus, through His Apostles and His Church, to us today! Our program is aimed primarily at those adults who have never been baptized into any Christian denomination, we invite anyone who has an interest in the Catholic faith from any Christian background as well. Our purpose is to present all things Catholic in an inviting atmosphere with no pressure.

Contact: Debbie Ridder at 850-434-2551 x104 or or visit RCIA page



Shut-in Ministry: 

For those people who cannot attend Mass on Sunday or Holy Days because of illness are still very much a part of our Parish Community. Parish priests, deacons and special ministers bring Holy Communion regularly to area hospitals, nursing homes and shut-ins at home. If you or someone you know has such a need, call the rectory and inform the secretary.

Contact: Leesan Villa at 203-415-9983



Welcoming Ministry: 

The Welcoming Ministry is a dedicated group who follow up with new parishioners after receiving registration information.  They greet new members with a call and offer assistance and information about the parish.

Contact: Lou Gellner at 850-477-1509


Wise Woman Ministry:  

This ministry at St. Paul’s is for married women who are invited to join other married women to learn together how to build our homes on the foundation of the Gospel. Monthly meetings during the school year will offer practical tips, support and encouragement in married life.  Meetings will be informal & comfortable in the Giri Room and will last approximately 1.5 hours. Some of the topics include business of marriage vs the fun, personal conflict resolution, intimacy in marriage, practical tips in marriage communication, and parenting. 

Contact:  Pat Lovett at  or (850)384-8091



Money Counters:

Money Counter Volunteers work in teams to tabulate the contributions of parishioners, which must be counted every week, deposited, and recorded for tax and auditing purposes.  St. Paul takes every precaution to safeguard parishioners’ donations so that all funds are used to help build God's Kingdom.  Money counting teams rotate regularly.  As a diocesan requirement, our money counters complete a credit check and sign a form outlining their responsibilities.  If you can balance a checkbook well, this ministry is for you!

Contact: Helen Cannava at or 850-434-2551 ext 107




The face of the Body of Christ to those entering our church prior to Mass and leaving the church after Mass.  Their ministry is to make people feel the love of God by truly welcoming them into God’s house and into our parish community through friendly, kind, and authentically gracious service exhibited by “going the extra mile with a smile.”  Welcome Stewards will warmly greet all Mass attendees at various locations including the main doors entering the church, the narthex, and the doors leading into the sanctuary. This is a critically important ministry that “lives our mission” of loving God, serving others and making disciples.  Welcome Stewards must set a Christian example at all times and possess a deep desire to love God, serve others, and foster discipleship.  A hospitable, positive and pleasant attitude is an absolute must for this ministry.

Contact: Knights of Columbus- Sam Ridder at 850-291-8072








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