St. Paul Catholic Church
Photo Gallery
We will do our best to keep this page updated with photos from all of the different events that we have at St. Paul's over the year. If you have photos you would like to share, you can send them to our Parish Secretary, Rachael Kirk at: kirkr@stpaulcatholic.net. In an effort to prevent the page from getting too cluttered, we will only keep photos for a few events at a time, and add new ones as they come. We will keep an archive of all photos, it just won't be here on our website. If you have any questions, please contact the Parish Office at: (850)434-2551.
Breakfast with Santa - Dec. 2, 2018
Thank you for joining us for another wonderful Breakfast with Santa! We are grateful for all of the hard work that our Knights of Columbus group does to help in making the food, as well as for all of the staff and students from our school who volunteer their time to serve breakfast and be present at this event!

Parish Appreciation Dinner - Nov. 7, 2018
A big thank you to everyone who came out to our Parish Appreciation Dinner on November 7th. It was a beautiful time of saying to all of you - our wonderful parishioners - who make St. Paul the great parish it is today! Fr. Craig made a big old pot of gumbo - which was a big hit - and this was a beautiful time of fellowship as a parish family. We look forward to having more events like this in the future!

Youth Group Activities
Our youth group (middle school and high students) meet almost every Sunday evening for a variety of activities, helping them to grow as a community of faith-filled disciples. They also participate in service projects benefiting the community, such as volunteering at the Alpha Center (top left photo).